
My heart is moved by all I cannot save: so much has been destroyed.
I have cast my lot with those, who, age after age, perversely,
with no extraordinary power, reconstitute the world. Adrienne Rich

I've always made things: fine art, engagement events, science festivals and now pottery. Makings things is my attempt to reconstitute the world, to heal, repair, to create equity, to share power and to share beauty.

I threw myself into pottery at the start of the first UK lockdown in March 2019. I figured if I had enough clay, I could make it through all the disruption and loss. Luckily, I had a lot of clay. I still have a lot of clay, and I'm making more things than ever.

I'm inspired by all the good things around me: I am surrounded by nature and beauty, but also love, community and people carrying themselves with compassion through hard times.

I have complex-PTSD, and pottery is grounding and calming, even when everything else is difficult, pottery is my beautiful island.